My favorite website

Hi, again. Today we have to do two blogs, and this one is going to be of my favorite website, I'm just kidding, this is not my favorite but maybe it's the most important, and with its help maybe I'm going to graduate of this university.
In my career (psychology) we have to do a lot of essays, so we have to read and search a lot of information. So, if I have to pick a website I choose: Scholar Google.
I always use it for search information for my essays, and there you can find everything you need. If you need papers to validate your thesis: you can found there, if you need a trustworthy paper to demonstrate that you are right: you can found there.
Maybe you think: How to believe in Google? It's like Wikipedia? Well, it just a web browser, so you have to click a link of a paper and look if it comes from a scientific journal or it just a silly blog. You have the responsibility of choose the perfect papers, but Scholar Google help you to found it.


  1. U-Cursos is also a very good page, you should try it!


  2. In the name of U-Cursos, SCIELO, and Scholar Google, amen.

  3. I really like google scholar, is easy to use & versatile, have a nice day:)

  4. Wow, I like google scholar because is easy to use. Have a great day :)


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